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About Us   關於樂團

Distinction Guitar Ensemble is the first GUITAR SING-ALONG ensemble in Hong Kong. Inspired by many YouTube stars, Boyce Avenue, Jayesslee, Megan Nicole, Kurt Hugo and a lot more, we step up and collaborate guitar sing-along lovers in town. Distinction Guitar Ensemble is established by Byron Lai, who leads the guitar sing-along trend in Hong Kong. Byron first began to gain recognition after he posted several videos of himself performing acoustic cover of popular songs on YouTube. Distinction Guitar Ensemble is a dynamic and flexible group. We are aiming at collaborating with more guitar lovers and growing ourselves into a bigger performing group.


資優結他樂團是香港首隊結他彈唱樂團。受Boyce Avenue, Jayesslee, Megan Nicole, Kurt Hugo等YouTube 歌手啟發,我們成立目的是集合香港的結他彈唱愛好者。本樂團由帶領本港網絡結他彈唱潮流的Byron Lai創辦,Byron 因上載翻唱流行曲片段到YouTube 而為人熟悉。我們是個充滿動力的樂團,在往後的日子,希望集合更多結他彈唱愛好者,成為更大型的表演團體。

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